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Apple IIgs firmware equates [message #10] |
Fri, 22 August 2014 15:49 |
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If one needs a reference table, there it is!
It describes all the softswitches and important memory locations of the Apple IIgs.
; This EdAsm/Asm816 source code file was converted to AsmIIGS
; by EdAsmCvtIIGS version 1.2d4 on 5/7/91 at 4:9:18 PM
TITLE 'Bank $FF Variables'
* *
* Bank $FF Variables *
* *
* by *
* Fern Bachman 1985-1987 *
* Joe Bo 1987-1989 *
* *
* Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-1989 *
* All Rights Reserved. *
* *
F8VERSION EQU $06 ;F8 ROM //e ID byte
LOC0 EQU $00 ;vector for autostart from disk
LOC1 EQU $01
PRINTTMP EQU $06 ;$06-$08 saved and restore by print rtne
WNDLFT EQU $20 ;left edge of text window
WNDWDTH EQU $21 ;width of text window
WNDTOP EQU $22 ;top of text window
WNDBTM EQU $23 ;bottom+1 of text window
CH EQU $24 ;cursor horizontal position
CV EQU $25 ;cursor vertical position
GBASL EQU $26 ;lo-res graphics base addr.
BASL EQU $28 ;text base address
BAS2L EQU $2A ;temp base for scrolling
H2 EQU $2C ;temp for lo-res graphics
LMNEM EQU $2C ;temp for mnemonic decoding
V2 EQU $2D ;temp for lo-res graphics
RMNEM EQU $2D ;temp for mnemonic decoding
MASK EQU $2E ;color mask for lo-res gr.
FORMAT EQU $2E ;temp for opcode decode
LENGTH EQU $2F ;temp for opcode decode
COLOR EQU $30 ;color for lo-res graphics
MONMODE EQU $31 ;Monitor mode
INVFLG EQU $32 ;normal/inverse(/flash)
PROMPT EQU $33 ;prompt character
YSAV EQU $34 ;position in Monitor command
YSAV1 EQU $35 ;temp for Y register
CSWL EQU $36 ;character output hook
KSWL EQU $38 ;character input hook
PCL EQU $3A ;temp for program counter
A1L EQU $3C ;Monitor temp
A1H EQU $3D ;Monitor temp
A2L EQU $3E ;Monitor temp
A2H EQU $3F ;Monitor temp
A3L EQU $40 ;Monitor temp
A3H EQU $41 ;Monitor temp
A4L EQU $42 ;Monitor temp
A4H EQU $43 ;Monitor temp
*A5L EQU $44 ;Monitor temp
A5H EQU $45 ;Monitor temp
ACC EQU $45 ;Acc after break (destroys A5H)
XREG EQU $46 ;X reg after break
YREG EQU $47 ;Y reg after break
STATUS EQU $48 ;P reg after break
SPNT EQU $49 ;SP after break
RNDL EQU $4E ;random counter low
RNDH EQU $4F ;random counter high
* Value equates
GOODF8 EQU $06 ;//e ID byte
X8 EQU $10 ;Mask for interrupt code
M8 EQU $20 ;Mask for interrupt code
EXMEMCMD EQU $38 ;Mask for extnd mem designator/sctr # cmd
* Bank 1 / Page 1 permanent storage
MNEMSTKPTR EQU $010100 ;Main stack pointer
ALEMSTKPTR EQU $010101 ;Alternate stack pointer
* Characters read by GETLN are placed in
* IN, terminated by a carriage return.
IN EQU $0200 ;input buffer for GETLN
* Page 3 vectors
BRKV EQU $03F0 ;vectors here after break
SOFTEV EQU $03F2 ;vector for warm start
USRADR EQU $03F8 ;APPLESOFT USR function vector
NMI EQU $03FB ;NMI vector
IRQLOC EQU $03FE ;Maskable interrupt vector
LINE1 EQU $0400 ;first line of text screen
PRO8MLI EQU $00BF00 ;Address of PRODOS8 MLI entry point
IOADR EQUDS * ;All I/O is at $Cxxx
KBD EQUDS * ;Bit 7=1 if keystroke
CLR80COL EQUDS.B 1 ;disable 80 column store
SET80COL EQUDS.B 1 ;enable 80 column store
RDMAINRAM EQUDS.B 1 ;read from main 48K RAM
RDCARDRAM EQUDS.B 1 ;read from alt. 48K RAM
WRMAINRAM EQUDS.B 1 ;write to main 48K RAM
WRCARDRAM EQUDS.B 1 ;write to alt. 48K RAM
SETSTDZP EQUDS.B 1 ;use main zero page/stack
SETALTZP EQUDS.B 1 ;use alt. zero page/stack
SETINTC3ROM EQUDS.B 1 ;Enable internal slot 3 ROM
SETSLOTC3ROM EQUDS.B 1 ;Enable external slot 3 ROM
CLR80VID EQUDS.B 1 ;disable 80 column hardware
SET80VID EQUDS.B 1 ;enable 80 column hardware
CLRALTCHAR EQUDS.B 1 ;normal LC, flashing UC
SETALTCHAR EQUDS.B 1 ;normal inverse, LC; no flash
KBDSTRB EQUDS.B 1 ;turn off key pressed flag
RDLCBNK2 EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit 7=1 if LC bank 2 is in
RDLCRAM EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit 7=1 if LC RAM read enabled
RDRAMRD EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit 7=1 if reading alt 48K
RDRAMWRT EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit 7=1 if writing alt 48K
RDCXROM EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit 7=1 if using int rom
RDALTZP EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit 7=1 if slot zp enabled
RDC3ROM EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit 7=1 if slot c3 space enabled
RD80COL EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit 7=1 if 80 column store
RDVBLBAR EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit 7=1 if not VBL
RDTEXT EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit 7=1 if text (not graphics)
RDMIX EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit 7=1 if mixed mode on
RDPAGE2 EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit 7=1 if TXTPAGE2 switched in
RDHIRES EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit 7=1 if HIRES is on
ALTCHARSET EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit 7=1 if alternate char set in use
RD80VID EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit 7=1 if 80 column hardware in
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved for future system expansion
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*|Enable| | | | | | | |
*|color/| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
*| mono | | | | | | | |
* ^^^^^ MONOCOLOR Status Byte ^^^^^
* MONOCOLOR bits defined as follows
* bit 7= 0 enables color -- 1 disables color
* bit 6,5,4,3,2,1,0 Must be 0
MONOCOLOR EQUDS.B 1 ;Monochrome/color select register
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| | | | | | | | |
*| Text Color Bits | Background Color Bits |
*| | | | | | | | |
* ^^^^^ TBCOLOR Byte ^^^^^
* TBCOLOR bits defined as follows
* bit 7,6,5,4 = Text color bits
* bits 3,2,1,0 = Background color bits
* Color bits =
* $0 = Black
* $1 = Deep Red
* $2 = Dark Blue
* $3 = Purple
* $4 = Dark green
* $5 = Dark Gray
* $6 = Medium Blue
* $7 = Light Blue
* $8 = Brown
* $9 = Orange
* $A = Light Gray
* $B = Pink
* $C = Green
* $D = Yellow
* $E = Aquamarine
* $F = White
TBCOLOR EQUDS.B 1 ;Text/background color select register
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| VGC | 1sec | Scan | Ext | | 1sec | Scan | Ext |
*| int | int | int | int |Unused| int | int | int |
*|active|active|active|active| |enable|enable|enable|
* ^^^^^ VGCINT Status Byte ^^^^^
* VGCINT bits defined as follows
* bit 7= 1 if interrupt generated by VGC
* bit 6= 1 if 1 second timer interrupt
* bit 5= 1 if scan line interrupt
* bit 4= 1 if external interrupt
* bit 3= unused
* bit 2= 1 second timer interrupt enable
* bit 1= scan line interrupt enable
* bit 0= external interrupt enable
VGCINT EQUDS.B 1 ;VGC interrupt register
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*|Button| | |
*|status|Delta | Delta movement |
*| now | sign | |
* ^^^^^ MOUSEDATA Byte ^^^^^
* MOUSEDATA bits defined as follows
* bit 7= if reading X data = button 1 status
* if reading Y data = button 0 status
* bit 6= sign of delta 0='+' -- 1='-'
* bit 5,4,3,2,1,0 = delta movement
MOUSEDATA EQUDS.B 1 ;X or Y mouse data register
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | |Update| | | | | |
*| Open |Closed| mod |Keypad|Repeat| Caps | Ctrl |Shift |
*| Apple| Apple|no key| key |active| lock | key | key |
*| key | key | press|active| |active|active|active|
* ^^^^^ KEYMODREG Status Byte ^^^^^
* KEYMODREG bits defined as follows
* bit 7= Open Apple key active
* bit 6= Closed Apple key active
* bit 5= Updated modifier latch without keypress
* bit 4= Keypad key active
* bit 3= Repeat active
* bit 2= Caps lock active
* bit 1= Control key active
* bit 0= Shift key active
KEYMODREG EQUDS.B 1 ;Key modifier register
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| |
*| Data to/from keyboard micro |
*| |
* ^^^^^ DATAREG Byte ^^^^^
* DATAREG bits defined as follows
* bit 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 = data to/from keyboard micro
* Data at interrupt time in this register is defined as
* bit 7= Response byte if set, otherwise status byte
* bit 6= ABORT valid if set and all other bits reset
* bit 5= Desktop manager key sequence pressed
* bit 4= Flush buffer key sequence pressed
* bit 3= SRQ valid if set
* bit 2,1,0 If all bits clear then no FDB data valid,
* else the bits indicate the number of valid
* bytes received minus 1. (2-8 bytes total)
DATAREG EQUDS.B 1 ;Data register in KeyGlu chip
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| Mouse| Mouse| Data | Data | Key | Key | Mouse| Cmd |
*| reg | int | reg | int | data | int |X/Yreg| reg |
*| full |enable| full |enable| full |enable| data | full |
* ^^^^^ KMSTATUS Status Byte ^^^^^
* KMSTATUS bits defined as follows
* bit 7= 1 if mouse register full
* bit 6= mouse interrupt disable/enable
* bit 5= 1 if data register full
* bit 4= data interrupt enable
* bit 3= 1 if key data full <<<<<------NEVER USE, WON'T WORK
* bit 2= key data interrupt enable <<<<<------NEVER USE, WON'T WORK
* bit 1= 0 = mouse 'X' register data available
* 1 = mouse 'Y' register data available
* bit 0= Command register full
KMSTATUS EQUDS.B 1 ;Keyboard/mouse status register
ROMBANK EQUDS.B 1 ;ROM bank select toggle
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*|Enable|Linear| B/W | | | | |Enable|
*| super| video|Color | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |bank 1|
*|hi-res| |DHires| | | | |latch |
* ^^^^^ NEWVIDEO Byte ^^^^^
* NEWVIDEO bits defined as follows
* bit 7= 1 to disable Apple //e video (enables super hi-res)
* bit 6= 1 to linearize for super hi-res
* bit 5= 0 for color double hi-res -- 1 for B/W hi-res
* bit 4,3,2,1= MUST be pregrammed as 0
* bit 0= Enable bank 1 latch to allow long instructions
* to access bank 1 directly.
NEWVIDEO EQUDS.B 1 ;Video/enable read alt mem with long instr
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved for future system expansion
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| Character Generator| NTSC/| Lang | | | |
*| language select | PAL |select| 0 | 0 | 0 |
*| | | | | bit | | | |
* ^^^^^ LANGSEL Byte ^^^^^
* LANGSEL bits defined as follows
* bit 7,6,5= Character generator language select
* Primary language Secondary language
* $0 = USA Dvorak
* $1 = UK USA
* $2 = French USA
* $3 = Danish USA
* $4 = Spanish USA
* $5 = Italian USA
* $6 = German USA
* $7 = Swedish USA
* bit 4= 0 if NTSC video mode -- 1 if PAL video mode
* bit 3= LANGUAGE switch bit 0 if primary lang set selected
* bit 2,1,0 ;MUST be programmed as 0's
LANGSEL EQUDS.B 1 ;Language/PAL/NTSC select register
CHARROM EQUDS.B 1 ;Addr for tst mode read of character ROM
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*|Slot7 |Slot6 |Slot5 |Slot4 | |Slot2 |Slot1 | |
*|intext|intext|intext|intext| 0 |intext|intext| 0 |
*|enable|enable|enable|enable| |enable|enable| |
* ^^^^^ SLTROMSEL Byte ^^^^^
* SLTROMSEL bits defined as follows
* bit 7= 0 enables internal slot 7 -- 1 enables slot ROM
* bit 6= 0 enables internal slot 6 -- 1 enables slot ROM
* bit 5= 0 enables internal slot 5 -- 1 enables slot ROM
* bit 4= 0 enables internal slot 4 -- 1 enables slot ROM
* bit 3= MUST be 0
* bit 2= 0 enables internal slot 2 -- 1 enables slot ROM
* bit 1= 0 enables internal slot 1 -- 1 enables slot ROM
* bit 0= Must be 0
VERTCNT EQUDS.B 1 ;Addr for read of video cntr bits V5-VB
HORIZCNT EQUDS.B 1 ;Addr for read of video cntr bits VA-H0
SPKR EQUDS.B 1 ;clicks the speaker
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| 3.5" | 3.5" | | | | | | |
*| head | drive| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
*|select|enable| | | | | | |
* ^^^^^ DISKREG Status Byte ^^^^^
* DISKREG bits defined as follows
* bit 7= 1 to select head on 3.5" drive to use
* bit 6= 1 to enable 3.5" drive
* bit 5,4,3,2,1,0= unused
DISKREG EQUDS.B 1 ;Used for 3.5" disk drives
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| |Clear |Clear | | | | | |
*| 0 |1 sec | scan | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
*| | int |ln int| | | | | |
* ^^^^^ SCANINT Byte ^^^^^
* SCANINT bits defined as follows
* bit 7= unused
* bit 6= write a 0 here to reset 1 second interrupt
* bit 5= write a 0 here to clear scan line interrupt
* bit 4= unused
* bit 3= unused
* bit 2= unused
* bit 1= unused
* bit 0= unused
SCANINT EQUDS.B 1 ;Scan line interrupt register
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| |
*| Clock data register |
*| |
* ^^^^^ CLOCKDATA Byte ^^^^^
* CLOCKDATA bits defined as follows
* bit 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 -- Data passed to/from clock chip
CLOCKDATA EQUDS.B 1 ;Clock data register
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| Clock| Read/|Chip | | |
*| xfer |Write |enable|Unused| Border Color |
*| | chip |assert| | |
* ^^^^^ CLOCKCTL Byte ^^^^^
* CLOCKCTL bits defined as follows
* bit 7= Set =1 to start transfer to clock
* Read =0 when transfer to clock is complete
* bit 6= 0= write to clock chip -- 1= read from clock chip
* bit 5= Clock chip enable asserted after transfer 0=no 1=yes
* bit 4= unused
* bit 3,2,1,0 = select border color (see TBCOLOR for values)
CLOCKCTL EQUDS.B 1 ;Clock control register
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| | Stop | Stop | Stop | Stop | Stop | Stop | Stop |
*| 0 |I/O/LC|txtpg2|auxh-r|suprhr|hires2|hires1|txtpg1|
*| |shadow|shadow|shadow|shadow|shadow|shadow|shadow|
* ^^^^^ SHADOW Byte ^^^^^
* SHADOW bits defined as follows
* bit 7= Must write 0
* bit 6= 1 to inhibit I/O and language card operation
* bit 5= 1 to inhibit shadowing text page 2
* bit 4= 1 to inhibit shadowing aux hi-res page
* bit 3= 1 to inhibit shadowing 32k video buffer
* bit 2= 1 to inhibit shadowing hires page 2
* bit 1= 1 to inhibit shadowing hires page 1
* bit 0= 1 to inhibit shadowing text page 1
* Note: bit 5 only implemented in new CYA chip, if using
* FPI chip then must write 0.
SHADOW EQUDS.B 1 ;Shadow register
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| Slow/|Power | |Shadow|Slot 7|Slot 6|Slot 5|Slot 4|
*| fast | up | 0 |in all|motor |motor | motor| motor|
*| speed|detect| | RAM |detect|detect|detect|detect|
* ^^^^^ CYAREG Byte ^^^^^
* CYAREG bits defined as follows
* bit 7= 0=slow system speed -- 1=fast system speed
* bit 6= 1=cold start -- 0=warm start
* bit 5= Must write 0
* bit 4= Shadow in all RAM banks
* bit 3= Slot 7 disk motor on detect
* bit 2= Slot 6 disk motor on detect
* bit 1= Slot 5 disk motor on detect
* bit 0= Slot 4 disk motor on detect
* Note: bit 6 only implemented in new CYA chip, if using
* FPI chip then must always write 0.
CYAREG EQUDS.B 1 ;Speed and motor on detect
DMAREG EQUDS.B 1 ;Used during DMA as bank address
SCCBREG EQUDS.B 1 ;SCC channel B cmd register
SCCAREG EQUDS.B 1 ;SCC channel A cmd register
SCCBDATA EQUDS.B 1 ;SCC channel B data register
SCCADATA EQUDS.B 1 ;SCC channel A data register
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| Busy |Access| Auto | | |
*| flag | doc/ | inc | 0 | Volume DAC |
*| | RAM |adrptr| | |
* ^^^^^ SOUNDCTL Byte ^^^^^
* SOUNDCTL bits defined as follows
* bit 7= 0 if not busy -- 1 if busy
* bit 6= 0=access doc -- 1=access RAM
* bit 5= 0=disable auto incrementing of address pointer
* 1=enable auto incrementing of address pointer
* bit 4= Must be 0
* bit 3,2,1,0= volume DAC $0=off $F=full volume
SOUNDCTL EQUDS.B 1 ;Sound control register
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| |
*| Sound data read/written |
*| |
* ^^^^^ SOUNDDATA Byte ^^^^^
* SOUNDDATA bits defined as follows
* bit 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 = Data read from/written to sound RAM
SOUNDDATA EQUDS.B 1 ;Sound data register
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| |
*| Low byte of sound address pointer |
*| |
* ^^^^^ SOUNDADRL Byte ^^^^^
* SOUNDADRL bits defined as follows
* bit 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 = Address into sound RAM low byte
SOUNDADRL EQUDS.B 1 ;Sound address pointer, low byte
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| |
*| High byte of sound address pointer |
*| |
* ^^^^^ SOUNDADRH Byte ^^^^^
* SOUNDADRH bits defined as follows
* bit 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 = Address into sound RAM high byte
SOUNDADRH EQUDS.B 1 ;Sound address pointer, high byte
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved for future system expansion
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| | | |Enable|Enable|Enable|Enable|Enable|
*| 0 | 0 | 0 |1/4sec| VBL |switch| move | mouse|
*| | | | ints | ints | ints | ints | |
* ^^^^^ INTEN Byte ^^^^^
* INTEN bits defined as follows
* bit 7= Must be 0
* bit 6= Must be 0
* bit 5= Must be 0
* bit 4= 1 to enable 1/4 second interrupts
* bit 3= 1 to enable VBL interrupts
* bit 2= 1 to enable Mega // mouse switch interrupts
* bit 1= 1 to enable Mega // mouse movement interrupts
* bit 0= 1 to enable Mega // mouse operation
INTEN EQUDS.B 1 ;Interrupt enable register
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved for future system expansion
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved for future system expansion
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| |
*| Mega // mouse delta movement byte |
*| |
* ^^^^^ MMDELTAX Byte ^^^^^
* MMDELTAX bits defined as follows
* bit 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 = delta movement in 2's complement notation
MMDELTAX EQUDS.B 1 ;Mega // mouse delta X register
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| |
*| Mega // mouse delta movement byte |
*| |
* ^^^^^ MMDELTAY Byte ^^^^^
* MMDELTAY bits defined as follows
* bit 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 = delta movement in 2's complement notation
MMDELTAY EQUDS.B 1 ;Mega // mouse delta Y register
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*|Self/ |MMouse|Status|Status|Status|Status|Status|Status|
*|burnin| last | AN3 |1/4sec| VBL |switch| move |system|
*| diags|button| | int | int | int | int | IRQ |
* ^^^^^ DIAGTYPE Byte ^^^^^
* DIAGTYPE bits defined as follows
* bit 7= 0 if self diagnostics get used if BUTN0=1 and BUTN1=1
* bit 7= 1 if burn-in diagnostics get used if BUTN0=1 and BUTN1=1
* bits 6-0 = same as INTFLAG
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| now | last | AN3 |1/4sec| VBL |switch| move |system|
*|button|button| | int | int | int | int | IRQ |
* ^^^^^ INTFLAG Byte ^^^^^
* INTFLAG bits defined as follows
* bit 7= 1 if mouse button currently down
* bit 6= 1 if mouse button was down on last read
* bit 5= status of AN3
* bit 4= 1 if 1/4 second interrupted
* bit 3= 1 if VBL interrupted
* bit 2= 1 if Mega // mouse switch interrupted
* bit 1= 1 if Mega // mouse movement interrupted
* bit 0= 1 if system IRQ line is asserted
DIAGTYPE EQUDS * ;0/1 Self/burn-in diagnostics
INTFLAG EQUDS.B 1 ;Interrupt flag register
CLRVBLINT EQUDS.B 1 ;Clear the VBL and 3.75Hz interrupt flags
CLRXYINT EQUDS.B 1 ;Clear Mega // mouse interrupt flags
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved for future system expansion
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved for future system expansion
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved for future system expansion
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved for future system expansion
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved for future system expansion
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved for future system expansion
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved for future system expansion
TXTCLR EQUDS.B 1 ;switch in graphics (not text)
TXTSET EQUDS.B 1 ;switch in text (not graphics)
MIXCLR EQUDS.B 1 ;clear mixed-mode
MIXSET EQUDS.B 1 ;set mixed-mode (4 lines text)
TXTPAGE1 EQUDS.B 1 ;switch in text page 1
TXTPAGE2 EQUDS.B 1 ;switch in text page 2
LORES EQUDS.B 1 ;low-resolution graphics
HIRES EQUDS.B 1 ;high-resolution graphics
SETAN0 EQUDS.B 1 ;Clear annunciator 0
CLRAN0 EQUDS.B 1 ;Set annunciator 0
SETAN1 EQUDS.B 1 ;Clear annunciator1
CLRAN1 EQUDS.B 1 ;Set annunciator 1
SETAN2 EQUDS.B 1 ;Clear annunciator 2
CLRAN2 EQUDS.B 1 ;Set annunciator 2
SETAN3 EQUDS.B 1 ;Clear annunciator 3
CLRAN3 EQUDS.B 1 ;Set annunciator 3
BUTN3 EQUDS.B 1 ;Read switch 3
BUTN0 EQUDS.B 1 ;open apple key
BUTN1 EQUDS.B 1 ;closed apple key
BUTN2 EQUDS.B 1 ;Read switch 2
PADDL0 EQUDS.B 1 ;Read paddle 0
EQUDS.B 1 ;Read paddle 1
EQUDS.B 1 ;Read paddle 2
EQUDS.B 1 ;Read paddle 3
* __7______6______5______4______3______2______1______0___
*| | | | | | | | |
*| | | | | | | | |
* ^^^^^ STATEREG Status Byte ^^^^^
* STATEREG bits defined as follows
* bit 7= ALZP status
* bit 6= PAGE2 status
* bit 5= RAMRD status
* bit 4= RAMWRT status
* bit 3= RDROM status (Read only RAM/ROM (0/1))
* Do two reads to $C083 then change STATEREG
* to change LCRAM/ROM banks (0/1) and still
* have the language card write enabled.
* bit 2= LCBNK2 status 0=LC bank 0 - 1=LC bank 1
* bit 1= ROMBANK status
* bit 0= INTCXROM status
STATEREG EQUDS.B 1 ;State register
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved for future system expansion
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved for future system expansion
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved for future system expansion
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved for future system expansion
TESTREG EQUDS.B 1 ;Test mode bit register
CLRTM EQUDS.B 1 ;Clear test mode
ENTM EQUDS.B 1 ;Enable test mode
PTRIG EQUDS.B 1 ;trigger the paddles
EQUDS.B 15 ;ROM interrupt code jump table
EQUDS.B 1 ;Sel LC RAM bank2 rd, wrt protect LC RAM
ROMIN EQUDS.B 1 ;Enable ROM read, 2 reads write enb LC RAM
EQUDS.B 1 ;Enable ROM read, wrt protect LC RAM
LCBANK2 EQUDS.B 1 ;Sel LC RAM bank2, 2 rds wrt enb LC RAM
EQUDS.B 1 ;Sel LC RAM bank2 rd, wrt protect LC RAM
EQUDS.B 1 ;Enable ROM read, 2 reads wrt enb LC RAM
EQUDS.B 1 ;Enable ROM read, wrt protect LC RAM
EQUDS.B 1 ;Sel LC RAM bank2, 2 rds wrt enb LC RAM
EQUDS.B 1 ;Sel LC RAM bank1 rd, wrt protect LC RAM
EQUDS.B 1 ;Enable ROM read, 2 reads wrt enb LC RAM
EQUDS.B 1 ;Enable ROM read, wrt protect LC RAM
LCBANK1 EQUDS.B 1 ;Sel LC RAM bank1, 2 rds wrt enb LC RAM
EQUDS.B 1 ;Sel LC RAM bank1 rd, wrt protect LC RAM
EQUDS.B 1 ;Enable ROM read, 2 reads wrt enb LC RAM
EQUDS.B 1 ;Enable ROM read, wrt protect LC RAM
EQUDS.B 1 ;Sel LC RAM bank1, 2 rds wrt enb LC RAM
CLRROM EQU $CFFF ;switch out $C8 ROMs
* Applesoft equates
FIRST EQU $F0 ;Used by Applesoft plotting routines
CHKCOM EQU $DEBE ;Parse for comma to continue
TOOBIG EQU $F206 ;If argument is too big jump here
ATFNS2 EQU $F20C ;Return point for HLIN fix
BASIC EQU $E000 ;BASIC entry point
BASIC2 EQU $E003 ;BASIC warm entry point
GETBYT EQU $E6F8 ;Get next user entered byte
* Permanent data in screenholes
* Note: these screenholes are only used by
* the 80 column firmware if an 80 column card
* is detected or if the user explicitly activates
* the firmware. If the 80 column card is not
* present, only MODE is trashed on RESET.
* The success of these routines rely on the
* fact that if 80 column store is on (as it
* normally is during 80 column operation), that
* text page 1 is switched in. Do not call the
* video firmware if video page 2 is switched in!!
MSLOT EQU $7F8 ;=$Cn ;n=slot using $C800
OLDCH EQU $478+3 ;LAST CH used by video firmware
MODE EQU $4F8+3 ;video firmware operating mode
OURCH EQU $578+3 ;80 column CH
OURCV EQU $5F8+3 ;80 column CV
CHAR EQU $678+3 ;character to be printed/read
XCOORD EQU $6F8+3 ;GOTOXY X-coord (pascal only)
TEMP1 EQU $778+3 ;temp
OLDBASL EQU $778+3 ;last BASL (pascal only)
OLDBASH EQU $7F8+3 ;last BASH (pascal only)
* 0....... - BASIC active
* 1....... - Pascal active
* .0...... - Print mouse chars
* .1...... - Don't print mouse characters
* ..0..... - Print control characters
* ..1..... - Don't print ctrl chars
* ...0.... -
* ...1.... -
* ....0... - Print control characters
* ....1... - Don't print ctrl chars.
* .....0.. -
* .....1.. -
* ......0. - Scroll normally
* ......1. - 1200 baud: home instead of scroll
* .......0 - Mouse text inactive
* .......1 - Mouse text active
M_6 EQU $40 ;
M_CTL2 EQU $20 ;Don't print controls
M_4 EQU $10 ;
M_CTL EQU $08 ;Don't print controls
M_2 EQU $04 ;
M_1 EQU $02 ;
M_MOUSE EQU $01 ;Don't print mouse chars
* Pascal Mode Bits
* 0....... - BASIC active
* 1....... - Pascal active
* .0...... - Print mouse chars
* .1...... - Don't print mouse characters
* ..0..... -
* ..1..... -
* ...0.... - Cursor always on
* ...1.... - Cursor always off
* ....0... - GOTOXY n/a
* ....1... - GOTOXY in progress
* .....0.. - Normal Video
* .....1.. - Inverse Video
* ......0. - Scroll normally
* ......1. - 1200 baud: home instead of scroll
* .......0 -
* .......1 -
M_PASCAL EQU $80 ;Pascal active
M_CURSOR EQU $10 ;Don't print cursor
M_PAS1_0 EQU $02 ;Pascal 1.0 mode
TITLE 'Bank $FF Variables2'
* *
* Bank $FF Variables2 *
* *
* by *
* Fern Bachman 1985-1987 *
* Joe Bo 1987-1989 *
* *
* Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-1989 *
* All Rights Reserved. *
* *
* Tool set numbers and call numbers used
* either in the Control Panel or monitor
* subroutines.
MTN EQU $03 ;Miscellaneous Tool Number
RTHFN EQU $0D ;Read Time Hex Function Number
WTHFN EQU $0E ;Write Time Hex Function Number
RATFN EQU $0F ;Read Ascii Time Function Number
RDN EQU $0D ;RAM Disk tool number
DPCN EQU $0A ;Do Protocol Converter call number
SRDSZN EQU $0B ;Set RAM Disk size function number
GRDSZN EQU $0C ;Get RAM Disk size function number
MMN EQU $02 ;Memory manager tool number
FMEMN EQU $1B ;Free memory in system function number
TMEMN EQU $1D ;Total memory in system function number
EMTN EQU $06 ;Event manager tool number
ACTFN EQU $06 ;Active function number
GNEFN EQU $0A ;Get next event function number
EAFN EQU $0B ;Event available function number
IMTN EQU $0B ;Integer math routines tool number
LONGMUL EQU $0C ;32 bit multiply function number
LONGDIV EQU $0D ;32 bit divide function number
LONG2DEC EQU $27 ;Convert hex to decimal ASCII string
DEC2LONG EQU $29 ;Convert decimal ASCII string to hex
DSKTN EQU $05 ;Desk accessory manager tool number
SVESCRNFN EQU $09 ;Save 80 column screen function number
RSTSCRNFN EQU $0A ;Restore 80 column screen function number
SETHEART EQU $1203 ;Put task in heartbeat queue
DELHEART EQU $1303 ;Remove task from heartbeat queue
INSTALLCDA EQU $0F05 ;Tool # + Function # * 256
GOTOMON EQU $F7 ;Defined below
RETURNFROM EQU GOTOMON+4 ;Return from monitor code
RETURNBANK EQU GOTOMON+8 ;Modify instruction
* GOTOMON contains the following code
* CLI ;Reenable interrupts
* JMP MONZ ;Enter the monitor
* SEI ;Disable interrupts to return to calling bank
* JMP =RETURNPOINT ;Return to calling bank
MICROPOWER EQU $A5 ;Power up byte for keyboard micro
DECAY EQU $0250 ;Decay rate for NEWBELL1 sounds
MICRORAMPWR EQU $51 ;Keyboard micro power up byte location
DURBELL EQU $2000 ;Duration of bell sound
TOGPATTERN EQU $8888 ;Speaker toggle pattern
INITDISMGR EQU $FE0000 ;Initialize DISPATCH handler
MEMORYPEEKER EQU $FE0004 ;Install memory peeker desk acc
TODESKMGR EQU $FE0008 ;Private CDA entry point
APTALKINIT EQU $FE000C ;Coldstart vector for AppleTalk
APTALKRESET EQU $FE0010 ;Warmstart vector for AppleTalk
ADBSENDTL EQU $FE0014 ;Vctr to send COMMAND to Keyuc
BOOTAPTALK1 EQU $C1E0 ;Boot AppleTalk from slot1
BOOTAPTALK2 EQU $C2E0 ;Boot AppleTalk from slot2
DIAGS EQU $FF6400 ;Diagnostics start here
PROCONINIT EQU $FF5600 ;Initialize protocol converter
SERBASPATCH EQU $FF0000 ;Serial code BASIC patch
SERPASPATCH EQU $FF0003 ;Serial code PASCAL patch
SEREXTPATCH EQU $FF0006 ;Serial code EXTERNAL patch
* The bank $F8 expansion rom must have the following
* information located at the base of the rom.
* $F80000-F80007 ... An ASCII string 'ROMTOOLS'
* $F80008-F80009 ... Version Number
* $F8000A-F8001F ... Pad Area
* $F80020 .......... Entry Point
* The entry point is called in 16 bit native mode.
* (e=0, m=0, x=0) The entry point will execute
* code to install any rom based extensions to the
* tool set and return with an 'RTL' instruction
* with the carry flag cleared. If the rom is found,
* the version number will be returned in the 16 bit
* C register after the 'RTL' is executed.
* Note that the string at $F80000 must have the
* msb set to a '1'.
EXROMSTR EQU $F80000 ; Expansion rom string 'ROMTOOLS'
EXROMVER EQU $F80008 ; Expansion rom version
EXROMPAD EQU $F8000A ; Pad to $F8001F
EXROMENTRY EQU $F80020 ; Expansion rom entry point
* Bank $E1 equates
* Port 1 selections
USERPORT1 EQUDS.B 1 ;Device Connected: Printer
EQUDS.B 1 ;Line Length: Unlimited
EQUDS.B 1 ;Delete First LF after CR: No
EQUDS.B 1 ;Add LF after CR: Yes
EQUDS.B 1 ;Echo: No
EQUDS.B 1 ;Buffering: No
EQUDS.B 1 ;Baud: 9600
EQUDS.B 1 ;Data/Stop Bits: 8/1
EQUDS.B 1 ;Parity: None
EQUDS.B 1 ;DCD Handshake: Yes
EQUDS.B 1 ;DSR Handshake: Yes
EQUDS.B 1 ;XON/XOFF Handshake: No
* Port 2 selections
USERPORT2 EQUDS.B 1 ;Device Connected: Modem
EQUDS.B 1 ;Line Length: Unlimited
EQUDS.B 1 ;Delete First LF after CR: No
EQUDS.B 1 ;Add LF after CR: No
EQUDS.B 1 ;Echo: No
EQUDS.B 1 ;Buffering: No
EQUDS.B 1 ;Baud: 1200
EQUDS.B 1 ;Data/Stop Bits: 8/1
EQUDS.B 1 ;Parity: None
EQUDS.B 1 ;DCD Handshake: Yes
EQUDS.B 1 ;DSR Handshake: Yes
EQUDS.B 1 ;XON/XOFF Handshake: No
* Display selections
USERCOL EQUDS.B 1 ;Columns: 40
USERTEXT EQUDS.B 1 ;Text: (white)
USERBACK EQUDS.B 1 ;Background: (medium blue)
USERBORDER EQUDS.B 1 ;Border: (medium blue)
* Sound selections
USERVOL EQUDS.B 1 ;Volume: |-----*---------|
USERBELL EQUDS.B 1 ; Pitch: |------*--------|
* Speed selections
* Slots' selections
USERSLT1 EQUDS.B 1 ;Slot 1: Port 1
USERSLT2 EQUDS.B 1 ;Slot 2: Port 2
USERSLT3 EQUDS.B 1 ;Slot 3: Text Display
USERSLT4 EQUDS.B 1 ;Slot 4: Mouse
USERSLT5 EQUDS.B 1 ;Slot 5: Smart Port
USERSLT6 EQUDS.B 1 ;Slot 6: Disk Port
USERSLT7 EQUDS.B 1 ;Slot 7: Your Card
USERSLTST EQUDS.B 1 ;Startup Slot: Scan
* Language selections
USERDISP EQUDS.B 1 ;Text Display: English (U.S.)
USERLANG EQUDS.B 1 ;Keyboard: English (U.S.)
USERKBUFF EQUDS.B 1 ;Keyboard Buffering: No
USERRSPD EQUDS.B 1 ;Repeat Speed: |-------*-------|
USERRDLY EQUDS.B 1 ;Repeat Delay: |-----*---------|
;DFB $02 ;Double Click: |-----*---------|
USERFLASH EQUDS.B 1 ;Cursor Flash: |-----*---------|
USERCAPS EQUDS.B 1 ;Shift Caps/Lower Case: No
USERFSPDE EQUDS.B 1 ;Fast Space/Delete Keys: No
USERDUAL EQUDS.B 1 ;Dual Speed Keys: Normal
USERD1EJ EQUDS.B 1 ;Disk1 ejection option, 0->1, 1->2, ....
USERD2EJ EQUDS.B 1 ;Disk2 ejection option, 0->1, 1->2, ....
* Clock selections
* Ramdisk selections
USERMRAM EQUDS.B 1 ;Minimum RAM for Ramdisk option number
USERXRAM EQUDS.B 1 ;Maximum RAM for Ramdisk option number
USERRSTRAM EQUDS.B 1 ;Reset Ram Disk size during next reset
* Mouse Selections
USERHMR EQUDS.B 1 ;Mouse Tracking: |*-------------|
USERDBCK EQUDS.B 1 ;Double Click: |-----*--------|
USERMDLY EQUDS.B 1 ;Start Delay: |-----*--------|
USERSPRT EQUDS.B 1 ;Acceleration: |-----*--------|
USERMAXSP EQUDS.B 1 ;Maximum Speed: |-----*--------|
LANGS EQUDS.B 9 ;Count/Number of languages
LAYOUTS EQUDS.B 17 ;Count/Numbers of layouts
SPCLSLT1 EQUDS.B 1 ;Keep track of real slt1 setup
BRAMDAACT EQUDS.B 1 ;$00/<>0 = NOT install/install monitor/memory peeker
EQUORG E1_VARS+$78 ;Pad to Cntl Panel password
USRPASSWD7 EQUDS.B 1 ;=0 then default password
EQUORG E1_VARS+$80 ;Pad to AppleTalk node number
APTALKNODE EQUDS.B 1 ;AppleTalk node number
OSVARIABLES EQUDS.B 32 ;Operating system variables
EQUORG E1_VARS+$FC ;Pad to check sums
EQUSECT $E10000 ;Monitor $E1 permanent storage area
* Important vectors the user may change
* RAM space from locations $0000->$02B7 are allocated for
* monitor and RAM vectors use.
DISPATCH1 EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to Tool Locator1
DISPATCH2 EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to Tool Locator2
UDISPATCH1 EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to User's tool locator1
UDISPATCH2 EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to User's tool locator2
INTMGRV EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to Interrupt manager
COPMGRV EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to COP manager
ABORTMGRV EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to ABORT manager
SYSDMGRV EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to system death manager
* Tool/internal interrupt vectors
IRQ_APTLK EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to APTLK interrupt handler
IRQ_SERIAL EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to serial port int handler
IRQ_SCAN EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to scan line interrupt handler
IRQ_SOUND EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to sound interrupt handler
IRQ_VBL EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to VBL interrupt handler
IRQ_MOUSE EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to mouse interrupt handler
IRQ_QTR EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to 1/4 sec interrupt handler
IRQ_KBD EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to keyboard interrupt handler
IRQ_RESPONSE EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vctr to FDB response byte int hndlr
IRQ_SRQ EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to SRQ int handler
IRQ_DSKACC EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to desk accessory int handler
IRQ_FLUSH EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to flush buffer int handler
IRQ_MICRO EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to key micro int handler
IRQ_1SEC EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to 1 second interrupt handler
IRQ_EXT EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to EXT VGC interrupt handler
IRQ_OTHER EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to other interrupt handler
CUPDATE EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to cursor update handler
INCBUSYFLG EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to increment BUSYFLAG routine
DECBUSYFLG EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to decrement BUSYFLAG routine
BELLVECTOR EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to BELL routine in use
BREAKVECTOR EQUDS.L 1 ;Breaks go through here for debuggers
TRACEVECTOR EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to trace code
STEPVECTOR EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to step code
ROMTOOLHOOK EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to ROM expansion tools
EQUORG E1_VECTORS+$80 ;Pad for more vectors
* End of user changable interrupt vectors.
TOWRITEBR EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to write BATTERYRAM routine
TOREADBR EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to read BATTERYRAM routine
TOWRITETIME EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to write time routine
TOREADTIME EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to read time routine
TOCTRL_PANEL EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vctr to Control Panel desk accessory
TOBRAMSETUP EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector for ext Menu to setup stuff
TOPRINTMSG8 EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to print a msg- 8 bit entry
TOPRINTMSG16 EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to print a msg- 16 bit entry
CTRLYVECTOR EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector for CTRL-Y (native mode)
TOTEXTPG2DA EQUDS.L 1 ;Text page 2 desk acc routine
EQUORG E1_VECTORS+$A8 ;Pad for more vectors
OSVECTORS EQUDS * ;Operating system 4 byte jump vectors
PRO16MLI EQUDS.L 1 ;1st OS vector is PRODOS16 MLI entry point
CHAINVECTOR EQUDS.L 1 ;Called before application launch
EQUDS.B 10 ;10 reserved bytes
EQUDS.W 1 ;Guaranteed 2 zeros
OS_KIND EQUDS.B 1 ;0/1-P8/P16 current OS running
OS_BOOT EQUDS.B 1 ;0/1-P8/P16 booted OS
OS_FLAGS EQUDS.W 1 ;Prodos 16 flags
MSGPOINTER EQUDS.B 3 ;Pointer to messages table
* during interrupt time. They are defined as follows
* IRQ.INTFLAG = value of INTFLAG read during interrupt
* processing.
* IRQ.DATAREG = value of DATAREG read during interrupt
* processing.
* IRQ.KMSTATUS value of KMSTATUS read during interrupt
* processing.
* IRQ.SECFLAG =0 if all interrupts processed by handlers
* =<>0 if any interrupt not processed by handlers
* IRQ.SERIAL1 is set up by serial interrupt manager
* for the user to read.
* IRQ.SERIAL2 is set up by serial interrupt manager
* for the user to read.
* IRQ.APTLKHI is set up by AppleTalk interrupt manager
* for the user to read.
* to zero in irq.done2.
IRQ_INTFLAG EQUDS.B 1 ;Status of INTFLAG at interrupt time
IRQ_DATAREG EQUDS.B 1 ;Status of DATAREG at interrupt time
IRQ_KMSTATUS EQUDS.B 1 ;Status of KMSTATUS at interrupt time
IRQ_SECFLAG EQUDS.B 1 ;0/<>0 = int not processed/processed
IRQ_SERIAL1 EQUDS.B 1 ;Interrupt info for users
IRQ_SERIAL2 EQUDS.B 1 ;Interrupt info for users
IRQ_APTLKHI EQUDS.B 1 ;Interrupt info for users
IRQ_VOLUME EQUDS.B 1 ;Volume used during interrupt time
IRQ_ACTIVE EQUDS.B 1 ;<>0 if called during irq
IRQ_SOUNDDATA EQUDS.B 1 ;Sound data register at int time
EQUORG E1_VECTORS+$CF ;Pad for more irq bytes
SIOFLAG EQUDS.B 1 ;Slts enabled via init call to Misc Tl Loc
INMASK EQUDS.B 3 ;AND mask / OR mask / slot #
OUTMASK EQUDS.B 3 ;AND mask / OR mask / slot #
ENSONIQFLG EQUDS.B 1 ;0=chip installed / 1=no chip installed
IRQ_MOUSVBL EQUDS.B 1 ;0 if mouse not using VBL
HBPTR EQUDS.L 1 ;Heart beat pointer to 1st item in list
TICKCNT EQUDS.L 1 ;Tick count updated by heart beat
MOUSESLOT EQUDS.B 1 ;Mouse slot in use
EVMGRDATA EQUDS.B 30 ;Event manager permanent information
BUSYFLAG EQUDS.W 1 ;System busy flag
SCCSTAT EQUDS.B 1 ;=0 then not SCC int- <>0 then SCC int
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved
SCCFLAG2 EQUDS.B 1 ;Aptalk int mask -$07=chanB-$38=chanA
SERFLAG EQUDS.B 1 ;Ser int msk-$07=chanB-$38=chanA-$3F=both
SCC1 EQUDS.B 1 ;1st data byte read in by int handler
SCC2 EQUDS.B 1 ;2nd data byte read in by int handler
EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved
* Interrupt uses all variables with 'irq.'
* Interrupt buffer is used by monitor to save
* ASCIITIME in during '=T' calls. Interrupts
* are disabled during this time so it is safe
* to use the same buffer.
ASCIITIME EQUDS * ;Time in ASCII 'mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss am/pm'
IRQ_DB EQUDS.B 1 ;irq.DB and irq.e canNOT be separated
IRQ_EMULSTKPTR EQUDS.B 1 ;emulation stack pointer, $010100
EQUORG E1_VECTORS+$120 ;Pad for more interrupt info
AVAL EQUDS.W 1 ;A register value
XVAL EQUDS.W 1 ;X register value
YVAL EQUDS.W 1 ;Y register value
SVAL EQUDS.W 1 ;S (stack pointer) value
DVAL EQUDS.W 1 ;D (direct (zero page) register) value
PVAL EQUDS.B 1 ;P (processor status) value
BVAL EQUDS.B 1 ;B (data bank register) value
KVAL EQUDS.B 1 ;K (program bank register) value
MVAL EQUDS.B 1 ;M (memory status) value
QVAL EQUDS.B 1 ;Q (bit7=speed - bits6-0 match shadow reg)
LVAL EQUDS.B 1 ;L (language card bank 0/1 selected) value
MPVAL EQUDS.B 1 ;m memory access mode bit value
XPVAL EQUDS.B 1 ;x index mode bit value
EPVAL EQUDS.B 1 ;e (emulation mode status) value
DDVAL EQUDS.B 1 ;d (disassembly option) value
ASCFILTER EQUDS.B 1 ;F (filter mask for ASCII input in mon)
CHGCURFLG EQUDS.B 1 ;<>0=change cursor/ 0=no change cursor
SYSTEMSPD EQUDS.B 1 ;$00=slow speed -- $80=high speed mask
;ORGMEMORY DFB 0 ;Used in executed BRK/COP disassembly
E1PCLH EQUDS.W 1 ;Program counter for 'G'o routine
GOS EQUDS.W 1 ;'S' value to return to after a 'G'o cmd
BANKS EQUDS.B 1 ;Source bank
BANKD EQUDS.B 1 ;Destination bank
EXTENDBNK EQUDS.W 1 ;Extend+bank bytes that user entered
DIGITCNT EQUDS.B 1 ;Used by GETNUM - how many digits entered
C1FLAG EQUDS.B 1 ;Serial code uses as indicator
C2FLAG EQUDS.B 1 ;Serial code uses as indicator
CURSHIFTER EQUDS.B 1 ;Shifts to 0 which causes cursor to flash
EXTENDBNKS EQUDS.W 1 ;Saved extend+bank bytes entered
IRQ_3031SOUND EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to Apple sound irqs
KEYTASKHDR0 EQUDS.B 12 ;Key press task handler buffer
EVMKEYBUFF EQUDS.B 16 ;16 bytes required
WHATEVENT EQU EVMKEYBUFF ;1st byte is event number
EVMKEY EQU EVMKEYBUFF+2 ;ASCII key pressed is here
RDMEMDATA EQUDS.B 1 ;Powerup byte read from keyboard micro
TOGGLEPAT EQUDS.W 1 ;Speaker toggle ptrn for NEWBELL1 sounds
DURATION EQUDS.W 1 ;Hold time counter for NEWBELL1
PITCH EQUDS.W 1 ;User chosen pitch value for NEWBELL1
VOLUME EQUDS.B 1 ;Volume counter for NEWBELL1
TP2THDR EQUDS.L 1 ;Task header for text page 2 copier
TP2TSIG EQUDS.W 1 ;Signature byte
TP2TJMP EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector
TP2MODE EQUDS.B 1 ;0/1 text page 2 copier off/on
* ROMDAACT is a flag which is reset on to
* $00 on power up only. It is set <>0 if
* and only if the user types in the '#'
* command in the monitor. The '#' command
* installs the monitor desk accessory and
* the memory peeker desk accessory.
* If ROMDAACT is <>0 the monitor on coldstart
* only will reinstall the monitor/memory peeker
* desk accessories.
ROMDAACT EQUDS.B 1 ;0=Do not activate <>0=activate
TOBUSYSTRIP EQUDS.L 1 ;JSL to dec busy flag
TOSTRIP EQUDS.L 1 ;JMP vector to oErrOut routine
NOIDEA EQUDS.L 1 ;Ask Steve ?????
STEPSP EQUDS.W 1 ;Step/Trace return address after each inst
ORGMEMORY EQUDS.B 1 ;Used in executed BRK/COP disassembly
LOWABSX EQUDS.B 1 ;Mouse x/y absolute position
MSEINFO EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit 6, 7 for Y clamps
MSESPARE EQUDS.B 1 ;Reserved as temp for mouse routine
MSESTAT EQUDS.B 1 ;Button 0/1 interrupt status byte
MSEMODE EQUDS.B 1 ;Mode byte
MDISPATCH EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to monitor dispatch
MAINSIDEPATCH EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vector to main side dispatch
GUS EQUDS.L 1 ;????
DEBUGB EQUDS.B 1 ;Rom debugger uses for bank saving
GSC EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit7=1, GSc; Bit6=1, not install cntlpanl
HIGHBANK EQUDS.B 1 ;Used to handle bank crossing
FLIPSCRN EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit7, flip between txtpage1 and 'brk scrn
DEFAULTSLT EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vctr to restor default slt assignment
RESTORSLT EQUDS.L 1 ;Jmp vctr to restor system slot assignment
CYAVER EQUDS.B 1 ;$00 = FPI, $40 = CYA
MIDIINPUTPOLL EQUDS.B 8 ;For MidiTool vector
JSX EQUDS.B 1 ;Bit7:real time of jsx, bit6: regs display
SCRNSTAT EQUDS.B 1 ;Store the display before brk, used in 'r'
LLTOOLBOXVCTR EQUDS.L 1 ;Vctr to patch low level toolbox routines
APTALKBOOT EQUDS.B 1 ;0=NONE, 1=$C100, 2=$C200, 3=$C300 .....
APTALKRPMM EQUDS.B 1 ;0=NONE, 1=$C100, 2=$C200, 3=$C300 .....
* The following bytes are mainly used in the step/trace
* monitor commands
USEROPC EQUDS.B 1 ;User opcode
USEROPRL EQUDS.B 1 ;User low operand
USEROPRH EQUDS.B 1 ;User high operand
USEROPRK EQUDS.B 1 ;User program bank
JMPNOBRA EQUDS.B 1 ;JML, $5c, to jmp to handle user nobranch opcode
NOBRAPCL EQUDS.B 1 ;Nobranch address, pcl
NOBRAPCH EQUDS.B 1 ;Nobranch address, pch
NOBRAPCK EQUDS.B 1 ;Nobranch address, pck
JMPBRACH EQUDS.B 1 ;JML, $5c, to jmp to handle user branch opcode
BRACHPCL EQUDS.B 1 ;Branch address, pcl
BRACHPCH EQUDS.B 1 ;Branch address, pch
BRACHPCK EQUDS.B 1 ;Branch address, pck
KPMNEMSP EQUDS.B 1 ;{MSA 4/28/89} Stores Emul SP in Step/Trace Code
EQUORG E1_VECTORS+$200 ;Fill to new Jmp vectors, publish out
TOMEMMOVER EQUDS.L 1 ;Jump vector to memory mover
TOSETSPEED EQUDS.L 1 ;Jump vector to set system speed
SLTARBITER EQUDS.L 1 ;Jump vector to do slot arbitration
SERBASIC EQUDS.L 1 ;Jump vector for serial BASIC
SERPASCAL EQUDS.L 1 ;Jump vector for serial PASCAL
SEREXTERL EQUDS.L 1 ;Jump vector for serial external patch
INDINTVCTR EQUDS.L 1 ;Hardware independent interrupt vctr
IRQ_MIDI EQUDS.L 1 ;Special vector for Midi Interrupt polling
EQUORG E1_VECTORS+$2B8 ;Fill to mouse clamps
HIXCLAMP EQUDS.W 1 ;High X clamp
HIYCLAMP EQUDS.W 1 ;High Y clamp
; The battery RAM buffer starts right after the mouse clamps. It
; is from $e102c0 - $e103bf with a total of 256 bytes.
; Be careful, not allowed to fill anything between here !!!
EQUORG E1_VECTORS+$03D0 ;Fill to ADB absolute device scaling
ADBSCALE EQUDS.B 12 ;Absolute device scale data area
ADBCPLTVCTR EQUDS.L 1 ;Completion vector address
TIMEOUT EQUDS.B 1 ;Timeout counter
CLKRDATA EQUDS.L 1 ;Time read from clock in seconds
CLKWDATA EQUDS.L 1 ;Time to write to clock in seconds
TIMEBUFFER EQUDS.B 23 ;Working buffer to time tools
EQUORG E1_VECTORS+$0FB0 ;// gs uses these area instead of screen holes
SMARTPORT EQUDS.B 25 ;gs smartport variables, $e10fb0-$e10fc8
MTHANDLE EQUDS.L 1 ;Storage for ID tag handle
KBDIRQFLAG EQUDS.B 1 ;Keyboard interrupt flag
EQUORG E1_VECTORS+$0FD6 ;Fill to ADB variables
FLAGS EQUDS.B 1 ;Flags used in ADB tool, cmd pending...
STATUSTMP EQUDS.B 1 ;Holds any uC pending status
SRQNUM EQUDS.B 1 ;# of devices installed in SRQ chain
SRQCNT EQUDS.B 1 ;# of devices polled since last data
SRQPTR EQUDS.B 1 ;Pointer of next device in SRQ list
SRQMRU EQUDS.B 1 ;Most recently used device (top of list)
SERPWRUP EQU $E10FFE ;+E10FFF = serial port pwr up bytes
RAMDSKPWRUP EQU $E115FF ;<>0 if powered up before
SYSVOLLOC EQU $E11DB0 ;Volume for sound tools is in hi byte
EQUORG E1_VECTORS+$154A ;ADB devices completion vectors
ADBVCTRS EQUDS.B 64 ;MAX 16 devices * 4 = 64
EQUORG E1_VECTORS+$1DD0 ;Fill to absolute clamp values
ABSCLAMPS EQUDS.B 8 ;Absolute device clamp values
ERRCODE EQU $0911 ;System can't synch with ADB keyuc error code
CMDREG EQU $C026 ;Same as datareg
CMDFULL EQU $01 ;Command reg full bit (in keygloo status)
DATAFULL EQU $20 ;Data reg full bit (in keygloo status)
* Command word for the G_MOVE_INFO routine
MOVEBLKCMD EQU $0800 ;Tell hardware to do block move option
* The MOVEVALIDITYMASK is a mask used to determine if a
* user's command word is using any invalid (reserved bits or not)
* This value changes as reserved bits become active !!!
MOVEVALIDITYMASK EQU $F7F0 ;Invalid move if any of these bits = 1
* Most common command
MOVESINCDINC EQU $05+MOVEBLKCMD ;Source incs - destination incs
* Less common commands
MOVESINCDDEC EQU $09+MOVEBLKCMD ;Source incs - destination decs
MOVESDECDINC EQU $06+MOVEBLKCMD ;Source decs - destination incs
MOVESDECDDEC EQU $0A+MOVEBLKCMD ;Source decs - destination decs
MOVESCONDCON EQU $00+MOVEBLKCMD ;Source constant - dest constant
MOVESINCDCON EQU $01+MOVEBLKCMD ;Source incs - destination const
MOVESDECDCON EQU $02+MOVEBLKCMD ;Source decs - destination const
MOVESCONDINC EQU $04+MOVEBLKCMD ;Source constant - dest constant
MOVESCONDDEC EQU $08+MOVEBLKCMD ;Source constant - destination decs
PARMRANGEERR EQU $FFFF ;Command error code
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